PT6 Inn
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Welcome to the best of the motels in Evansville IN for value-conscious travelers who insist on convenience. Look at these photos to learn about some of our features amenities – and remember that we also offer free wifi and friendly front desk service, things you can’t see here. At PT6 Inn, we want to serve you well when you’re needing hotels near Deaconess Sports Park and much more, so why not make your reservation with us now? We want you to stay with us and enjoy the best experience for a low price.

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Exterior Front Desk Snacksarea Guest Room Singlebed Guest Room Singlebed Guest Room Singlebed Guest Room Singlebed Guest Room Singlebed Doublebeds Doublebeds Doublebeds Doublebeds Doublebeds Doublebeds Doublebeds Washroom Washroom Washroom